Megan DiVita with a canvas print


A Love to Shoot

I've been drawn to photograph since first given a disposable Kodak camera as a kid. The camera roll soon filled with landscapes I thought lovely and fun moments with friends and family members. Not much has changed.

I find inspiration, humility and solace in nature. I see warmth and purpose in the bonds of friends and family. I love capturing these things – letting a photo express what the eyes see and the heart feels, communicating the loveliness of a moment with no words and enabling it to live on long past its time.

On Display

Close to Smithville, Texas? Visit the Lost Pines Artist Alliance gallery on Main Street for select prints and postcards while available.
A desert landscape during a rain storm with ravens flying in the sky

Desert Wonderland

In 2018 the collection "Desert Wonderland" was hosted by Sagebrush Cafe and was well-received.

"[DiVita] is a photographer drawn to the iconic imagery of the desert but she finds a way to capture a certain feeling – that personal feeling you get when you take a few steps into the open spaces of the desert and a sense of the quiet drama of the Mojave seems like it’s yours for the moment.

The California Poppies are there, in the moment, for you. The Joshua Trees, silhouetted against the morning sun are part of your own story. There is a purpose to it all that stands just behind the words in your head. When you look at [DiVita's] photos, you feel that the purpose is coming into focus."

- Sagebrush Cafe